With huge thanks to Bubble Tap in Lion Yard, Cambridge and The Print Magician (email or phone) for supporting the PIF voucher scheme in supporting The Chysallis project at St Mungos, London. https://homeless.org.uk/homeless-england/service/st-mungos-chrysalis-project/
The Print Magician, Cambridge provides advice and help to businesses needing printed material and branded merchandise
The Chrysalis project supports women facing homelessness and complex set of challenges, primarily driven by their mental health circumstances. The women that I currently support are also victims of domestic abuse.
The Chrysalis Project provides supported housing 24 hour staffed accommodation for women who are homeless and presenting with complex needs. The service is made up of 20 self-contained rooms for individuals who present with a range of high-risk complex needs, and who would benefit from more intensive and high support.